I suppose the main thing that happened was that I studied in university and became a full fledged dentist. I have the title of 'Dr' in front of my name now and I derive satisfaction from the succesful extraction of teeth and people saying thank you for it (I bet lots of people are feeling scared now).
There are many aspects about dentistry that I love and hate, but I suppose every job has its pros and cons right? Is there a perfect job out there? Maybe. Maybe it depends on where you work and who you work with, not just the type of work you do.
In the past few years, I got back into playing the drums too (yes you read that right). I used to play the marching drums and percussion in my high school band. After 5 years of complete abstinence, I got sucked back into drumming in university. Right now, I'm still taking lessons and trying to keep the drumming going. I don't need to be the greatest drummer alive, I play the drums purely because I enjoy playing it, and particularly if I can jam together with band mates. Drumming is therapeutic, kind of like meditation.
Me on the drums about 2 years ago |
I have also travelled to quite a few places in the past few years. Recently I went to Shanghai and Huangshan, Cameron highlands(most recent) and coming up is Japan! Maybe I should blog about my travels? Does a blog need a theme? Because I sure as hell need one.
Or maybe, I can just be me, and blog about being a dentist, drumming, travelling, books, movies and thoughts?
Decisions, decisions. Got to make lots of that when you finally become an adult.
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